The Inter-American Convention on Letters Rogatory and Additional Protocol (IACAP) is an additional international agreement designed to facilitate judicial assistance between countries listed below. This particular agreement is limited to serving legal documents filed in the United States in either State or Federal Court. One of the differences between the Inter-American Convention and the Hague Convention is that the application for the Inter-American Convention needs to be executed by the Judge in the USA and also the Central Authority to the United States. In addition, this application and package is sent directly to the foreign Court. The Judge in the foreign Court will need to review and approve the service before the actual service of process is done. This process can generally take from 4-6 months if not longer depending on the country involved.
Countries part of the treaty as of 2019: ARGENTINA, BRAZIL, CHILE, COLOMBIA, ECUADOR, GUATEMALA, MEXICO, PANAMA, PARAGUAY, PERU, UNITED STATES, URUGUAY and VENEZUELA; It’s important to note, that you always need to check updated list since countries can be added.